How do I request a BUILDER account?
All BUILDER account requests must be submitted using the appropriate access request form, depending on the BUILDER instance. BUILDER access request forms are located at:
Use version 9.2 to request access to the USAF BUILDER instance. To request access to all other BUILDER instances, use the 9.1 version.
Note to Contractors:
In addition to listing name, email, organizations/sites, and role, contractors requesting access to a BUILDER instance should provide this additional information in the request form:
Contract number
Contract period of performance
Submitting a request:
To submit the BUILDER Access Request Form, click the “Submit” button in the lower right of the form. If Adobe Acrobat is your default PDF application, this should automatically generate an email to SMS Support. The Submit function may not work if Adobe Acrobat is not installed or if your local network blocks the Submit function.
If you are unable to use the “Submit” button, create an email, attach the completed Builder Access Request Form, and send to . The support team will review your request and forward it to the appropriate approver or POC. If there are issues with the request form, SMS Support will return the form to you with a request for additional information. SMS Support is unable to create BUILDER accounts unless the appropriate approval is given. Users that have an existing BUILDER account but have an issue logging into their account can use this guide Existing User Login Assistance for more information. For more information on requesting a new account and an example of a BUILDER Access Request Form, see Obtain a New BUILDER Account.
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