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Obtain A New BUILDER Account - Knowledgebase / BUILDER - SMS Helpdesk

Obtain A New BUILDER Account

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All BUILDER account requests must be submitted using the appropriate access request form, depending on the BUILDER instance. BUILDER access request forms are located at:  

Use the 'BUILDER Access Request form v 9.2 Air Force and Army Personnel Only'  form to request access to the USAF and USA BUILDER instances. To request access to all other BUILDER instances, use 'BUILDER Access Request form v 9.3' .

       BUILDER Access Request form v 9.2 Air Force and Army Personnel Only


For access to USAF:

Before requesting access to USAF BUILDER, users must complete AFIT/WMGT training in accordance with AFCEC's SMS Playbook. Indicate the training date in the “Date Training Acquired” column and also list which training has been taken in the 'Comments' area of the form. Users requesting access to the USAF will also need to have their request form submitted by the appropriate POC for the location where access is being requested. 

[Note for USAF ANG/AFRC access requests:  AFIT/WMGT certificates of completion for the Level of access requested are required to be provided along with the access request form.

For access to USA:

Before requesting access to USA BUILDER, .mil users requesting either an Assessor or Work Planner role are now required to complete 'U.S. Army BUILDER Training' on the SMS LMS training site ( There is also recommended training for a Read-Only account, but it is not a requirement for this level of initial access. In order to obtain and complete this training, prospective user will need to create an account and register on the SMS LMS site (  Once the required course topics have been completed for the Assessor or Work Planner level of access, a corresponding Certificate of Completion will become available for the user to print or save/download for sending along with their access request form. Please note that our SMS Support team does not maintain/store the certificates from the LMS site, and users will need to download any required certificate(s) upon the completion of the courses for requesting BUILDER access. Indicate the training date in the “Date Training Acquired” column and also list which training has been taken in the 'Comments' area of the form.  

[Note for USA IMCOM access only: Prospective BUILDER users with access to IMCOM’s Infrastructure Sustainment Division | Public Works Support Services (PWSS) should visit this BUILDER information page which contains all the steps and links you will need to acquire access : ]


Note to Contractors: 

Contractors with a company address may not be required to provide AFIT/WMGT (USAF) or LMS (USA) certificates at the POC's discretion and can just provide their Contract number and contract period of performance (POP) end date, in addition to listing their name, email, org/site and role. All contractors requesting access to the USAF/USA BUILDER instances (.ctr or with a company address) should provide this additional information in the 'Comments' area of the request request form:

  • Contract number
  • Contract period of performance (POP) end date


      BUILDER Access Request form v 9.3  [To be used for non-USAF/USA BUILDER instances]



Submitting a request:

To submit the BUILDER Access Request Form, click the “Submit” button in the lower right of the form. If Adobe Acrobat is your default PDF application, this should automatically generate an email to SMS Support. The Submit function may not work if Adobe Acrobat is not installed or if your local network blocks the Submit function.

If you are unable to use the “Submit” button, create an email, attach the completed Builder Access Request Form, and send to . The support team will review your request and forward it to the appropriate approver or POC.  If there are issues with the request form, SMS Support will return the form to you with a request for additional information.  SMS Support is unable to create BUILDER accounts unless the appropriate approval is given. Users that have an existing account but have an issue logging in, please see the Existing User Login Assistance  article. 

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