How do I register my CAC for BUILDER login?
Note: Your computer will need to be configured properly with CAC hardware, software, browser configuration, and CAC certificate registration. For DoD users and DoD-hosted sites, if you need assistance regarding this, please see Certificate recognition is a function of the certificate authority, and your computer must have the necessary authority certificates installed on your computer. See the referenced site for more information. Currently Internet Explorer is the only browser guaranteed to work with the CAC infrastructure.
After logging into BUILDER with your Username and Password, you will need to associate your CAC [certificates] with your account.
- Go to User Preferences (top right hand side of BUILDER screen).
- Click on "Register CAC".
- Select the appropriate DOD Certificate (use the certificate that DOESN'T have "EMAIL" in the name).
- Press OK
- Enter your PIN
- Press OK
- Registering: "CAC successfully registered!! You can now log in with this CAC."
CAC's can also be registered pre-login if you have a valid BUILDER account.
1. On the BUILDER login page, click "First time CAC user click here."
2. In the next dialog, enter your username and password.
3. Next, click "Log into BUILDER."
4. In the Registration dialog, click "Register CAC."
5. Registering: "CAC successfully registered!! You can now log in with this CAC. "
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