What roles are available in BUILDER and what permissions does each role have?
There are currently 3 main roles available in BUILDER:
1. Read-only
2. Inspection Supervisor, which is equivalent to Assessor
3. Work Planner, which is equivalent to Data Manager
Below are the permissions each role has:
1. The Read-only role can view data, but is cannot make changes within BUILDER. The Read-only role will see all operations "grayed" out. A user with the Read-Only role cannot download a BRED (BUILDER Remote Entry Database) file. The Read-only role does have the ability to export Standard and Custom Reports.
2. The Inspection Supervisor role has permission to view and edit their own inventory and inspection data. They can also import and export BRED files to a BUILDER web portal. The Inspection Supervisor role can run an Inspection Schedule.
3. The Work Planner role has permission to perform the following operations:
a. View and edit the entire site or installation to which they have access, including inventory and inspection data, plus perform work plan execution.
b. Add, edit, and delete Standards, Policies, Prioritization Schemes, Funding, Cost Books, Service Life Books, Inflation Books.
c. Create/edit Work Plans and generate multi-year work plan Scenarios.
d. Run an Inspection Schedule.
e. Move buildings from one site/complex to another
Please check out BUILDER Roles for detailed information on user permissions.
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