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What do I do if I can't find a building? - Knowledgebase / BUILDER - SMS Helpdesk

What do I do if I can't find a building?

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What do I do if I can't find a building?


Your BUILDER instance's inventory can contain buildings/facilities underneath Sites and Complexes. If you are unable to find a building then below are a couple of options that can be taken :

A) If your BUILDER instance contains Custom Reports, then you can run the 'Final 01 – Building Summary' report for your Organization, Site or Complex.  This report will provide a list of buildings/facilities and their locations within BUILDER where at least one COMPONENT SECTION has been entered. 


B) You send an email to the BUILDER SMS Support Helpdesk at and provide as much of the following information as possible to assist with the investigation. 

The SMS Support Helpdesk will use this information to try and locate the buildings/facilities, and then will respond to the query with the findings:

1) The BUILDER instance/URL where the buildings/facilities are not able to be found

2) The Site where the buildings/facilities are being searched

3) The 'Building No' value(s) for the buildings/facilities from BUILDER

4) The Building Name

5) The Area

6) The 'Alternate ID' (also known as RPUID) value(s) for the buildings/facilities from BUILDER


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