What are the color coding standards for facilities?
At a component section level in BUILDER, the condition index (CSCI) and building component condition index (BCCI) relate to the color coding scheme as follows:
- Green: 100 – 86 (internally set this to 100 – 85.5 so that numbers that round up to 86 show as green)
- Amber: 85 – 56 (internally set this to 85.5 – 55.5 due to round up issues)
- Red: 55 – 0 (internally set to 55.5 – 0)
Green typically indicates the need for only minor maintenance, Amber indicates corrective repairs may be warranted, and Red indicates the component is nearing end-of-life replacement. The optimal point for repair is typically in the ~70 CI range. You may note that the Amber range extends well past this, but this is because a component can be past its prime to warrant corrective repairs, but still have several years left until expected failure and total replacement.
For the System CI (SCI) and overall Building CI (BCI), which is a roll up of the component-section CI scores, BUILDER has adopted a little different range:
- Green: 100 – 86 (100-85.5)
- Amber: 85 – 70 (85.5 – 69.5)
- Red: 69 – 0 (69.5 – 0)
This is because a building or system CI below 70 represents appreciable deterioration to a significant number of its constituent components. This can indicate the need for major overhaul/renovation, even in the 69-55 range.
To summarize: the BCI and SCI follow the same scheme, and the BCCI and CSCI follow the same scheme.
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