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Using the new Lookup Table Updater Service for BRED 3.3 - Knowledgebase / BUILDER / BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) - SMS Helpdesk

Using the new Lookup Table Updater Service for BRED 3.3

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BRED Lookup Table Updater Service for Version 3.3

The automatic lookup updater is a new feature which will check at the loading of a BRED file for an updated version of its associated Lookup data file in the BUILDER database.  The user must be connected to the internet for this feature to work correctly.

The tables in the Lookup file should be synced with their respective tables in BUILDER.  That way the user can be sure that the same systems, components, sections, and distresses that are allowed to be input into BRED are also allowed in BUILDER.  This will prevent error messages when migrating data between BRED and BUILDER.

The only thing the user needs to do to take advantage of this is to make sure that the tablet or laptop that is being taken into the field to do assessments is connected to the internet when loading a BRED file.  If the Lookup data file needs to be updated there will be a dialog box which will ask the user if they would like to update the file.  Simply choose “Yes”, and the table will be updated.

The user is now free to disconnect from the internet and continue with the Assessments in the field.

Author: Mark Fisher, Nisha Aggarwal

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