Question: How do I get a new inspector added to the inspector dropdown list in the BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) program?
Answer: The inspectors are either 1) not added as a User in BUILDER yet, 2) have a BUILDER account but not assigned to the site that the BRED export was taken from, or 3) the BRED export file was created prior to the inspector added to BUILDER and assigned to the site.
Please complete the User request form and send it to to ensure the User is appropriately assigned to the site that the BRED file comes from. After an inspector is added to the respective sites, a new BRED file will have to be generated to have that inspector included on the BRED list. The inspector will show up on any subsequent BRED file that are generated from the BUILDER web application.
The POC will need the following to complete the User Request form:
1. Service or Agency name
2. Organization
3. Account Verifier name & email address or Contract number
4. Government POC name & email address
5. name of organization or sites a User is requesting access to
6. Role the User will have in BUILDER
When clicking "submit" in the BUILDER_Access_Request_form_v9.2.pdf, the form comes directly to the Support Desk.
Author:Nisha Aggarwal, Brenda Mehnert
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