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BUILDER SMS BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) CoN Update 02.23.2024 - Knowledgebase / BUILDER / BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) - SMS Helpdesk

BUILDER SMS BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) CoN Update 02.23.2024

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BUILDER SMS BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) CoN Update 02.23.2024


The Certificate of Networthiness (CoN) for the BUILDER Remote Entry Database (BRED) application will be extended for an additional six months of use within the BUILDER Sustainment Management System (BUILDER SMS).

This Approval to Operate (ATO) extension will apply as the environment to meet the RMF 2.0 continuous monitoring standards is developed for the application’s remaining lifecycle.

Once the ATO extension is complete, BRED will be included and available to use, with extended support for it within the BUILDER SMS environment.

The POC for this action is Arthur White, Jr., Operations Manager, CEI-S, SMS-TCX,, 910.988.2347.

Please refer to the following documentation for additional information: BRED_CoN_Extension_2024.pdf

Any questions related to the BRED CoN Update can be directed to the SMS Helpdesk.

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