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BUILDER Custom Reports- Core Set - Knowledgebase / BUILDER / Installation and Server Administration - SMS Helpdesk

BUILDER Custom Reports- Core Set

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In contrast to the BUILDER Standard Reports, which are built into the code of the BUILDER Sustainment Management System (SMS) application, the BUILDER Custom Reports are developed outside of the BUILDER SMS code.  They are deployed from a report server separate from BUILDER.  These reports are therefore easier to modify; they are designed to expand the reporting capability beyond what is provided in the BUILDER Standard Reports.

There is a core set of Custom Reports that were designed and developed by the BUILDER design team.  These reports are named “Final”, “Inspection Locks”, “QC”, and “QA”.  The Custom Reports are intended to help the user during their data quality assurance phase a means to review the data at the various levels of the BUILDER hierarchy.  This core set of reports is generally deployed to all BUILDER instances.

This documentation also describes the BUILDER Catalog report, which lists all available Section designations that can be selected via BUILDER menus during inventory. 

Author: Brenda Mehnert

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