BUILDER Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan for Facility Inventory and Condition Assessment Program.
This is a “living” document. Updates will be made as needed and will be reflected in the Version control of this document.
The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions and/or review comments from the following personnel:
Theresa (Tobi) Cox (USACE Fort Worth District),
Donald Finney (USACE Mobile District),
Eddie Rosado (OCAR ARIMD- Office Chief of the Army Reserve. Army Reserve Installation Management),
Gregory Kish (HQ, Installation Management Command -IMCOM),
Maj. Lartisha Allen (Army National Guard- ARNG),
Juan Davila-Perez (ERDC-CERL),
Bil Hawkins (ERDC-CERL),
Lance Marrrano (ERDC-CERL).
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